
I struck a match for Guy Fawkes night and told everyone to keep away. Then, I celebrated the night by putting the flame on the fuse of the fireworks. Then the fire charge went off into the night's sky. The sky radiated with a white explosion.

Then I went to bed and shortly after I was nearly asleep, Bang! went a firework. So I got up and got the “Knock it off” firework from the garage and lit it up. Bang!

. Tomorrow I would go swimming and forget the loud bang of fireworks. So I slept until tomorrow. The End

100wc Last

I was walking down the path when I saw two gigantic footprints, supposedly from a giant. I also saw a large shoe. Then my eye spotted someone running across the field, with one shoe missing. “Have you seen my right shoe? I think I left it somewhere over here. My name’s Anna, by the way.” said Anna. “Nice to meet you, Anna. My name is John.” I said. “Nice to meet you. Let’s get back to the issue at hand, shall we? So, have you seen my shoe.” said Anna. “Yes, I have, it’s over here” I said.

Week #42 100wc

There were thunder and lightning. A storm was brewing up. “Help” I called out from my room. The first to reply was Father. “You scared of the storm, eh?” said Father. “Yes,” I said, trembling with fear. I went outside, but then the flash made me fall to the ground unconscious. Shortly afterwards Father came outside as well. “You’ve been struck?” he asked. No reply. “I take that as a Yes” he said. Then, the Flash appeared and then the Flash tackled me with his speed to the ground. Finally, Mother came out, got a phone, and called for help.

100wc (Whatever the number)

“Jack, dinner’s ready!” yelled Sheila from the kitchen. “Okay, coming mother!” replied Jack. Sheila was Jack’s mother. Jack was a mischievous child who was always up to something. Last time, his mother was hosting a party and had left a food tray on the bench and went to the bathroom. Then, Jack went down to the kitchen and took two sausage rolls, unrolled them, took the meat out and put a rat in the pastry and rolled them again. Then Sheila came back and served the sausage rolls. Someone took one with a rat and screamed “Arghhh” when all of a sudden the rat jumped out of the pastry.

100wc (Wk #37)

I woke up this morning and did my usuals. I got up, ate my food, brushed my teeth, put my lunch in my bag. I went to check the weather twice before going to school. The first time was when I finished everything and it was sunny. The second time was 10min after and it suddenly started raining. My friend George was waiting at the door to go to school with me. So I got my rain jacket. Then the weather changed dramatically to sun. “What a waste of time” I muttered to myself. “Right then, let’s go” said George.

100wc {(Week 36 [As if you didn’t already know!])}

There once were 3 construction workers who lived in one big mansion. They were all friends. But one day, a gigantic chocolate egg coated asteroid hit the Earth and landed on the road next to them They had to put cones around it and buy a big container. They got some spoons and one XL giga spoon. They got some more friends then started digging. They ate spoonfuls until they felt full, then put the rest in the shipping container. Then, an idea struck them. They would sell this delicious gift from the gods. They started instantly to build a shop.